Affiliated to Bangalore University, the courses offered are Approved and Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka.



In order to fulfill the vision of NAAC. Anupama College of Management and Science, mainly gives importance to quality assurance and enhancement. The prime responsibility of IQAC is to initiate, plan and direct various programmes that are necessary to increase the quality of education.  In this context, to realize the goals of quality enhancement, the resources of the institution have been directed towards this route and quality sustenance has been maintained in a well equipped and systematic manner. 

  • In pursuance of its Action Plan for performance evaluation, assessment, accreditation and quality upgradation of institution of higher education, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), proposes the establishment of an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) for every institution of higher learning undergoing the process of accreditation as a quality system measure; accordingly, our IQAC is the part and parcel of the institution.

  • IQAC of the institution conducts periodical meetings regularly by ensuring the participation of all the stakeholders and makes policies, procedures and guidelines for the functioning of various committees, clubs and cells and interacts systematically with these units and collects the feedback. Further, it also creates online channels of communication for information dissemination and quality assurance. 

  • As part of holistic development of the institution, IQAC also considers student employability (ability of the student in doing the job) and student employment (having a full or part-time job while going to college as a full-time student) as a matter of great concern. By taking into account the educated unemployment rates at present, the IQAC aims to equip each outgoing student with special skills to meet the societal challenges. To achieve this objective, a foreground service titled ‘3 Tier Quality Assurance Programme’ was initiated to inculcate in them a strong foundation of long term persistence and effort, the necessity of being student friends transforming as teachers and guides in times of needs. The factors like, to talk to one’s peers, seeking help from peers without hesitation, understanding of who I’m and who I’m not, how to let things go, and to control one’s surroundings, will further inculcate in them motivation and readiness in life.

Objectives of IQAC

  • The institute Quality Assurance System is established to:

  • To set quality performance indicators in domains of teaching, research and administration pertaining to departments and other units of the Institution.

  • To develop strategies to improve quality in alignment with the institute mission and vision, the strategic plan and the academic development plan of the institute.

  • To evolve and implement self-evaluation proforma for faculty members and executives.

  • To evolve and implement stakeholders’ feedback assessment and follow-up actions, continuous improvement of the academic quality.

  • To facilitate periodic academic and administrative audit.



  • Fixing quality standards, benchmarks and criteria for all the activities of the institution to adapt teaching learning environment to the needs of each student in the transition from teacher centered instruction to the creation of pupil-centered interactive educational pedagogy.

  • Acting as a nodal agency for the adoption and dissemination of best practices.

  • Preparation of SSR as per the norms to be submitted to NAAC.

  • Fostering global competencies among students by initiating them to undertake online graduate/ postgraduate courses.

  • Encouraging self-evaluation and accountability by means of self-appraisals.

  • Facilitating periodic assessment through the conduct of Academic, Administrative and Green Audit.

  • To stimulate outreach programmes curricular and co-curricular activities that will instill a social commitment.

  • As a prerequisite of progress, giving suggestions to higher authorities for enhancing infrastructural resources of the institution.

  • Collection and analysis of feedback responses from all the stakeholders including students and parents.

  • Dissemination of information based on quality parameters of Higher education.

  • Organization of FDPs, workshops and seminars for the holistic development of the students and faculties.

  • Documentation of programmes for quality improvement: Acting as Documentation and Record-Keeping Cell of the institution.

  • Inculcating an attitude of relevant and quality academic research programs among faculties and students. To attain this, faculties shall publish in peer reviewed journals and students shall be assigned dissertation/research/theses report submission.

  • Sharing of research findings and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.


  • Timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.

  • Optimum integration of modern methods of teaching, learning and evaluation.

  • Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support system, structure and services and the availability of liquid resources in due time for the smooth functioning of the institution.

  • Developing an effective feedback system incorporating all the relevant stakeholders.


  • To provide a sound decision-making platform to improve efficiency and effectiveness in decision.

  • To provide and facilitate uninterrupted and competent interpersonal communication channels.

  • Ensure at most clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement

  • To act as agents of change and reform

  • Integration of various activities of the institution and institutionalize good practices

Composition of IQAC Members

Sr. No.

Name of the Member




Dr. Sindhu N Setty




Teachers to represent all levels


Mr. Dinesh Babu BCA HOD



Dr. Ashok Commerce HOD.



Mrs.Anitha R Hiremath



Mrs. Bharathi H P



Mrs. Smitha V



Mrs. Sowmiya P



Mrs. Bhavani R



Mrs. Rupali Kiran




Roles and Responsibilities of Quality Assurance Systems

  • Quality Assurance Systems are Teaching, Learning and Assessment and Monitoring and Collection of feedback.  It is established to maintain and enhance the academic standard and quality of the programmes through periodic review and regular monitoring, with appropriate reference to national and international benchmarking standards.

  • Evaluate whether the programmes align with the College Mission and Vision

(a). Student Admission: 

  • The Quality Assurance procedures for student admission are established to:

  • Monitor the overall student recruitment process so as to admit students in line with the College admission requirements and to ensure the fairness and transparency of the recruitment process and selection criteria

  • Ensure that applicants are considered solely on their academic excellence, abilities and potential regardless of gender, national origin and disability etc.

(b). Department Academic Committee: 

  • It is established to develop, manage, monitor and review the running of the department by incorporating input from academic staff, students and external assessors such as external examiners, academic advisors or industrial advisors.

  • Programme review covers an overview of the present form and the latest condition of the programme. The expertise may be the academic staff within the College, members of related professions and senior academics from other universities. In some cases, professional bodies will be a major source of external scrutiny of the programmes.

Outcome Based Teaching and Learning: 

  • The College is committed to employ the Outcome Based Teaching and Learning approach to ensure the quality of the programmes. The following are guidelines

  • The proper alignment of Programme Outcomes to College Mission and Vision/Graduate Attributes should be observed.

  • The proper alignment of Course Outcomes to POs should be carefully conceived and executed.

  • The proper mapping from COs to POs to College Mission and Vision are to be carefully conceived and executed.

  • The proper mapping of College course levels to the relevant General Level Descriptors should be followed.

  • Review of POs, COs and the Outcome Based Teaching-Learning mappings.

Faculty Training: 

  • For newly-recruited faculty members, Intensive Teaching Workshops are to be arranged to explain the teaching requirements and general information of the programme.

  • Speakers from other institutions or senior academic staff from academic departments may be invited to give seminars and share their experience.


  • Assessment task are designed to be fair, consistent, reliable and constructively aligned to course or programme intended learning outcomes and possess sufficient scope and depth to enable assessment of students’ achievement in course and programme intended learning outcomes.

  • Be designed in such a way NOT TO discriminate individuals according to gender, age, religion and ethnicity etc.

  • Allow students to demonstrate their learning and potential, and assist student learning through timely feedback on performance

  • Academic staff should follow the assessment methods and weightings as stated in the syllabus document; any change of assessment methods should be approved by the Head of department.

(c). Monitoring and Collection of stakeholders’ feedback 

Students’ feedback on teaching: 

  • Feedback from students is always the most important element in monitoring the quality of a programme.  Feedback form -The teaching evaluation questionnaire is used in every academic term as a common framework for all courses. A survey on the teaching performance of lecturers is conducted before the end of a term.

Teaching Quality Observation: 

  • In-class teaching quality observation by the Head of department is a requirement related to all new teaching staff during their first term of teaching work.

Feedback from External Examiners and Advisors: 

  • At the end of each academic year, the academic departments will arrange a meeting with the External Examiners and Advisors and collect the comments and feedback from the EEs and EAs on the quality of the programme.

Feedback from students – Term-End Student Meeting:

  • At the end of a term, the HOD will meet with the student representatives to understand more about their learning problems and to collect comments on the learning facilities and support.  This provides a good opportunity for the HoDs to help the students solve their immediate problems or take preventive actions for a better teaching and learning environment, and it also provides a channel for students to express their concerns.


Feedback from Subject faculty: 

  • A subject lecturer will be asked to complete the course evaluation form at the end of the term. The objectives of the course evaluation form are to collect their comments and feedback on the quality of the courses and the programmes.

Graduates’ and Employer Survey:

  • As employability of the graduates and the satisfaction rate of the employers can reflect the outcomes standard and quality of the academic programmes, a graduates’ employment survey will be conducted to collect information that includes first employment fields, monthly salaries, regional locations and satisfaction in programme outcomes etc.

Follow-up Actions for the Stakeholders’ feedback: 

  • Comments and feedback from students, academic staff, external examiners/advisors and professional bodies will be brought up in the Programme Committee meeting for discussion and regular programme review. Follow-up actions will be decided and carried out by the Programme Committee.

(d) Other broad responsibilities:

  • Internal Quality Assurance Committee Coordinator is directly responsible to the Principal for development of quality culture in the institution through Internal Quality Assurance Committee.

  • Review of Institutional and Departmental Vision and Mission.  Development of quality benchmarks for various academic and administrative activities of the institution and carry out the gap analysis.

  • Contribute to preparation of SAR especially information related to institutional and finance.  Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) and submit to NAAC.

  • Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology and carrying out periodic check of course outcome attainment and action taken from each faculty and its mapping on to POs, PEOs.

  • Develop common Performance Indicators for respective Courses aligned to the PO and ensures the faculty development activities, question banks, tests, quiz, assignments related to the common performance indicators as well as for their course specific indicators.

  • Supervises the COs and their alignment to POs, question banks, assignments, tests, quiz, activities, Bloom’s Taxonomy and ensures targets set by faculty are realistic.

  • Develop faculty self-appraisal questionnaire and student feedback questionnaire.  Access faculty performance annually.

  • Develop a description of the process with questionnaires and tools required for continuous assessment

  • Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement;

  • Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices;

  • Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality . Prepare and conduct indirect assessment and prepare report.

  • Prepare annual report of success / failures on various parameters

  • Maintain and update website


Contact Info
Anupama College of Management & Science
address :

CA Site No.6 (P), West of Chord Road, 2nd Stage, Mahalakshmipuram, Bangalore-560086.

Call: 080-23493096
